It's time to wake up and realize you've
outgrown where you are! Everything around you is shifting and changing and so
are you! The time you spent where you were yesterday has passed. There's a new
address with your name on it! People and circumstances thought they could find
you still living in your past. The change of address went out with a notice
saying, "It’s Time To Move!" Tell your situation or circumstance, this is
no longer my address and you are no longer welcome here! God has readied my new place and you can't come!
You know it's time to move because when you're facing trouble, returning to that
old place there is an uneasiness that tells you you've moved on, It’s Time To Move!
When the keys that use to work to unlock your hopes and dreams no longer
work where you are, It’s Time To Move! The keys you now have are bigger
than the place you now reside, It’s Time To Move to where they are
designed to fit and work!
When you no longer fit where you are and you're tired of rearranging things to accommodate, such a small space, It’s Time To Move! You were never designed to fit into a space, but a space was designed large enough for you to grow into! God never designed you to settle in a place that's too small for you or your vision; It’s Time To Move where He has made space that's more than enough to grow! It’s Time To Move from places where you're just being tolerated and into wealthy places where you're celebrated and activated!
No doubt, if the people you're surrounded by no
longer or neither see what you see, nor are they going in the direction you're
headed It’s Time To Move! If you're in a place where there are more bad memories behind you than
future dreams ahead of you, It's Time To Move! If people are still
referring to you in the past tense and reminding you of your history and not
your possibilities, It’s Time To Move!
Are you ready for your enlargement? If so, It’s Time To Move!
Apostle B.