There are many people today who are not doing what they were created to do by Father Yahweh (God). Therefore, the world is in choas, the people of the earth are suffering, the #Kingdon of God is not manifesting, and the greatest travesty is that the people of Yahweh, who were sent to the earth as His ambassadors, are in disobedience to His will. However, the Father has assigned the Body of Christ and the people of God asension gift ministers (mentors) according to Ephesians 4:7-14 so that they could be perfected (matured) through impartation, empowerment, activation, and releasing for the work of His ministry (service) in the earth.
Yet, church and religion has taken the place of discipleship (preparing people to follow Christ in fulfilling their #assignment), so there is very little true mentorship taking place within the Body of Christ. As a result there are too many people sitting in church when they should be working for the #kingdom. As an Ambassador of the #Kingdom I want to speak to mentors (teacher) and mentees (student) alike and encourage them both to begin moving in obedience toward one another in fulfillment of their God-given #assignments. Further, I want to encourage every mentor to begin developing those Father has called you to with the passion and commitment their purpose requires, and to every mentee I admonish you to position yourself so that your mentor finds you faithful.
Leaders mentor people based on their #assignment not their gifting. For gifting development is the job of the Holy Spirit. Character development and accountability is the #assignment of a mentor. Mentors are not to be the Holy Spirit for you. You know when you have the right mentor because they remind you of where you're going (#assignment) not where you've been! Base your #assignment to people on their assignment to God, then to you. Otherwise, you might miss why you were assigned to one another. We are #assigned to people based on where they're going in God and therefore what's needed is wisdom on how to best mentor them.
Yet, church and religion has taken the place of discipleship (preparing people to follow Christ in fulfilling their #assignment), so there is very little true mentorship taking place within the Body of Christ. As a result there are too many people sitting in church when they should be working for the #kingdom. As an Ambassador of the #Kingdom I want to speak to mentors (teacher) and mentees (student) alike and encourage them both to begin moving in obedience toward one another in fulfillment of their God-given #assignments. Further, I want to encourage every mentor to begin developing those Father has called you to with the passion and commitment their purpose requires, and to every mentee I admonish you to position yourself so that your mentor finds you faithful.
Leaders mentor people based on their #assignment not their gifting. For gifting development is the job of the Holy Spirit. Character development and accountability is the #assignment of a mentor. Mentors are not to be the Holy Spirit for you. You know when you have the right mentor because they remind you of where you're going (#assignment) not where you've been! Base your #assignment to people on their assignment to God, then to you. Otherwise, you might miss why you were assigned to one another. We are #assigned to people based on where they're going in God and therefore what's needed is wisdom on how to best mentor them.
Your #assignment was given to you by God and not man! Yet, your man of God (mentor) keeps you headed toward what God has given you to do. Too many people don't know their #assignment so they are following the wrong people and are in the wrong places! When you know your #assignment you won't stay in places where you're tolerated, but seek to get to the place where you're activated! Once you know you're #assignment you'll let nothing and noone keep you from moving forward. Your #assignment becomes your focus & your focus become your passion.
What you're passionate about you pursue! Your #assignment becomes your pursuit when your passion is no longer drained pursuing the need in your life! You're #assignment only differs from your passion when they're not aligned! When your #assignment and your passion are aligned you begin to do what you were created to do. When you're doing what you were created to do (#assignment) your provision manifests. Until then you have wants not needs! Pursuing wants takes you away from pursuing your #assignment. A want is the result of unfulfilled purpose.
Christ promised to meet our needs as we pursued the #kingdom. Therefore, your #assignment requires your needs be met, not your wants. When a need manifests in your life it is intended to activate faith in your walk as you pursue your #assignment. When you're pursuing your #assignment and a need manifests it's intended to demonstrate the providence of God so He may be glorified.
In amazement to His disciples Christ's provision manifested as He moved in His #assignment: the coin in the mouth of the fish (Matthew 17:27), the colt (Matthew 21:1-3), and the upper room for the Passover (Mark 14:14-16), to name a few. So you don't have an unmet need as you move in your #assignment, you need #EmployedFaith to see the need as already done! Provision without an #assignment leads to wasteful spending because you don't understand the true purpose or value of money! An #assignment without provision keeps you pursuing purpose because #EmployedFaith tells you what you need will be there when you have need of it. Therefore you don't wait until you have the provision before you obey! You obey because you have #EmployedFaith in the God of your #assignment!
Obedience during your #assignment makes the difference between you accomplishing or failing to fulfill your purpose. Too many people are waiting to get it all together before moving out on their #assignment. Waiting only delays your healing and is disobedience. Disobedience causes delays and delays cause people to miss their seasons. These missed seasons are reminders that someone missed an #assignment. When you miss your #assignment someone doesn't get the breakthrough intended to come through you.
So if you've been waiting to move out realize You will be healed, delivered, and set free as you move in obedience toward your #assignment. Yashua told his disciples to come and follow him in his #assignment and as they did they received what was needed in the process of going! Today be encouraged to begin moving toward your #assignment so that the #GodProcess may take place in your life.
Be blessed! Shalom!
Apostle B
Apostle B
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