Dear Dr. King, too many black folk, even those you marched with, spoke to, and inspired are caught up in the pomp and circumstance, fun, and good times Obama offers and are forgetting the bigger picture! You didn't march and die for us so we could have a good time, but so that we would make the times good. The problem with black America today is that they're having too much fun and doing little or no work, let alone marching for right causes. The liberal (propaganda) news media said during the inauguration that Obama and Biden swore on the Bible to defend and support the United States Constitution...when?? They haven't thus far!! In fact, they've done more in violation of the constitution then defend it!
Dear Dr. King, forgive Barack for using the Word of Yahweh (God) you and I believe in to further his agenda and not use the Word of The Lord to be a bridge to the truth as you did! He says this Word is hate speech and promotes hatred because it stands for righteousness and holds men accountable for their actions. Including the passages that condemn crimes against man and man, woman and woman, but honoring the sanctity of marriage.
Dear Dr. King, so many have turned their backs on what you taught and believed and support Obama in his wrongdoing. The killing of the innocent (babies) is allowed through government funded Planned Parenthood, marriage has been destroyed between man and women and same sex marriage legalized in several states, it's now legal to smoke marijuana in several states, an Ambassador and his aids were killed (racial indifference) with no penalties (hatred against white colleagues), our military is neglected, undervalued, and under appreciated, the race card is used as a fear tactic, and black leaders support an agenda that's discriminatory. May those who walked with you that now support Obama see that you would do things differently. I'm angered when they compare him to you. I know I should not be because you would not be, but...
Dear Dr. King, so many suppose that you would be pleased with what you see, but forgive them for even comparing themselves with you and what you were called to do. I believe if you were here you would meet with President Obama as you did with Malcolm X to create a better plan to help people today. One that would use what our Lord said would bring freedom to all people and that is the truth! The truth of God's (Yahweh) Word! Some don't believe you used the Bible to promote your message, but they are wrong. Your message came from the Bible, including your "I Have a Dream" speech and "The Letter from a Birmingham Jail". As the Apostle Paul, you had a great command of the English language and an anointing to let your message ring loud and clear without offending the ear, but remain challenging to the heart. Yet, when Obama speaks there is little to no truth in him because he does opposite what he says. I'm not convicted, but offended. He speaks to us as though we are ignorant and cannot see through his lies and deceit!
Dear Dr. King, on today as we celebrate your birthday we thank you for your sacrifice. Happy birthday! I know this is not a typical birthday letter, but I had to tell you how I feel today because more than anything I wish your legacy becomes the dream you meant it to be as we wake from the nightmare that is!
Some of us were wondering if you would have been allowed to give the benediction at the inauguration this year because of your Christian beliefs. We are not skeptics because we trust Father God, but are doubtful that you would have and may never know. A few friends of mine (@motherknowsbest and @starparker) sent me this article supporting why we believe that to be true. Here is the link when you have time to read:
Dear Dr. King, we will continue to remember and honor your sacrifice. Thank you for reading :-)
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