Saturday, March 2, 2013

It's Time to Move!

It's time to wake up and realize you've outgrown where you are!  Everything around you is shifting and changing and so are you!  The time you spent where you were yesterday has passed.  There's a new address with your name on it!  People and circumstances thought they could find you still living in your past.  The change of address went out with a notice saying, "It’s Time To Move!"  Tell your situation or circumstance, this is no longer my address and you are no longer welcome here!  God has readied my new place and you can't come!

You know it's time to move because when you're facing trouble, returning to that old place there is an uneasiness that tells you you've moved on, It’s Time To Move!   When the keys that use to work to unlock your hopes and dreams no longer work where you are, It’s Time To Move!  The keys you now have are bigger than the place you now reside, It’s Time To Move to where they are designed to fit and work!

When you no longer fit where you are and you're tired of rearranging things to accommodate, such a small space, It’s Time To Move!  You were never designed to fit into a space, but a space was designed large enough for you to grow into!  God never designed you to settle in a place that's too small for you or your vision; It’s Time To Move where He has made space that's more than enough to grow!  It’s Time To Move from places where you're just being tolerated and into wealthy places where you're celebrated and activated!

No doubt, if the people you're surrounded by no longer or neither see what you see, nor are they going in the direction you're headed It’s Time To Move!  If you're in a place where there are more bad memories behind you than future dreams ahead of you, It's Time To Move!  If people are still referring to you in the past tense and reminding you of your history and not your possibilities, It’s Time To Move!
Are you ready for your enlargement?  If so, It’s Time To Move!
Apostle B.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dear Dr. King,

First, Happy Birthday and I wish you were here. We truly miss you!  I must begin by apologizing today because I'm sorry your legacy is being made a mockery. You stood for many things, but most importantly, you stood for what's right and was jailed for your beliefs.  But we have a leader today in President Barack Obama who does neither, he's not willing to face his accusers nor take responsibility for his actions even if it means removal from office.  Yet people are comparing him to you!  He even took an oath on your Bible as though swearing on the Bible means he believes in or will adhere to the Words contained therein!  Dr. King I'm sorry to tell you this but Mr. Obama is a Hypocrite!  How can he be like you?

Dear Dr. King, too many black folk, even those you marched with, spoke to, and inspired are caught up in the pomp and  circumstance, fun, and good times Obama offers and are forgetting the bigger picture!  You didn't march and die for us so we could have a good time, but so that we would make the times good.  The problem with black America today is that they're having too much fun and doing little or no work, let alone marching for right causes.  The liberal (propaganda) news media said during the inauguration that Obama and Biden swore on the Bible to defend and support the United States Constitution...when??  They haven't thus far!!  In fact, they've done more in violation of the constitution then defend it!
Dear Dr. King, forgive Barack for using the Word of Yahweh (God) you and I believe in to further his agenda and not use the Word of The Lord to be a bridge to the truth as you did!  He says this Word is hate speech and promotes hatred because it stands for righteousness and holds men accountable for their actions.  Including the passages that condemn crimes against man and man, woman and woman, but honoring the sanctity of marriage.
Dear Dr. King,  so many have turned their backs on what you taught and believed and support Obama in his wrongdoing.  The killing of the innocent (babies) is allowed through government funded Planned Parenthood, marriage has been destroyed between man and women and same sex marriage legalized in several states, it's now legal to smoke marijuana in several states, an Ambassador and his aids were killed (racial indifference) with no penalties (hatred against white colleagues), our military is neglected, undervalued, and under appreciated, the race card is used as a fear tactic, and black leaders support an agenda that's discriminatory.  May those who walked with you that now support Obama see that you would do things differently.  I'm angered when they compare him to you.  I know I should not be because you would not be, but...

Dear Dr. King, so many suppose that you would be pleased with what you see, but forgive them for even comparing themselves with you and what you were called to do.  I believe if you were here you would meet with President Obama as you did with Malcolm X to create a better plan to help people today.  One that would use what our Lord said would bring freedom to all people and that is the truth!  The truth of God's (Yahweh) Word!  Some don't believe you used the Bible to promote your message, but they are wrong.  Your message came from the Bible, including your "I Have a Dream" speech and "The Letter from a Birmingham Jail".  As the Apostle Paul, you had a great command of the English language and an anointing to let your message ring loud and clear without offending the ear, but remain challenging to the heart.  Yet, when Obama speaks there is little to no truth in him because he does opposite what he says.  I'm not convicted, but offended.  He speaks to us as though we are ignorant and cannot see through his lies and deceit!

Dear Dr. King, on today as we celebrate your birthday we thank you for your sacrifice.  Happy birthday!  I know this is not a typical birthday letter, but I had to tell you how I feel today because more than anything I wish your legacy becomes the dream you meant it to be as we wake from the nightmare that is!
Some of us were wondering if you would have been allowed to give the benediction at the inauguration this year because of your Christian beliefs.  We are not skeptics because we trust Father God, but are doubtful that you would have and may never know.  A few friends of mine (@motherknowsbest and @starparker) sent me this article supporting why we believe that to be true.  Here is the link when you have time to read:
Dear Dr. King, we will continue to remember and honor your sacrifice.  Thank you for reading :-)

Obama: failures of a "Saul Spirit "

While so many are comparing Barack Hussein Obama II to Dr. Martin King, Jr. I want to compare him to a failed king in history: King Saul...failures of a "Saul Spirit"!  Obama is a modern day Saul and he is not Yahweh's (God’s) choice but is the will of the people.  He has a Saul Spirit.
Years ago people wished for a king and would not wait on Yahweh's (God’s) choice.  They wanted Saul; but Yahweh (God) desired them to wait on David.  So then, in their (the people)continued asking, pleading and begging, Yahweh (God) gave them over to have what they wished for a man they though would deliver them, a Saul Spirit.
Saul was no doubt, the people's choice not Yahweh's (God’s) selection… "Be careful what you wish for because you might get it”!  After the hype and luster of the inauguration wears off and during Obama’s 2nd term, far too many people will regret the day they elected him. (YHIHF - you heard it here first)
We cannot side with man over Yahweh (God) and His law and then expect Him to honor our decision after rejecting His council and wisdom!  In this Saul Spirit case, it will be too late to regret what you wished for!  Obama's America has begun and the worst is yet to come!
After ignoring the warnings of the Prophet Samuel of the new king’s character, the people still wanted Saul.  And liken unto the Prophet Samuel, many (me included) have tried to warn against the reign of Obama, but the people would not hear!

Israel wanted Saul as king because he was handsome, spoke well and looked the part!  People wanted Obama for similar (same) reasons: he speaks well, looks the part, and is the first of his kind (a black president).  The thing about Saul is that, his arrogance caused him to deny the wisdom of history, his mentor and the law of Yahweh (God).
In comparison to Saul, Obama has ignored the wisdom of his elders and sided with villains to have his way of doing things!  That's a Saul Spirit.  He's disregarded history of dictatorial leaders who enslaved the people and forgot about revolutions that would occur as a result of limiting freedoms of the people.  That's a Saul Spirit!   Wherefore, as Saul began to do things that were against Yahweh's (God’s) law, violated the council of spiritual leaders, and brought harm to the people, the nation’s modern day Saul (Obama) is ruling by the will of the people not by the will of Yahweh (God)! That's a Saul Spirit.
Yahweh (God) told Samuel not to be saddened because the people had rejected HIM as King over them and chose a man after their desires.  Many Americans have also rejected Yahweh (God) and chose a man to deliver them, but he cannot!  All his plans are futile!  His plans are from the dark side and under toned by the NWO (new world order), the Illuminati, the Masons, and the Muslim agendas.
Do not be deceived!  Yahweh (God) allows what you allow (Matthew 18:18).  He gave you the power to change and to choose.  You chose poorly when you chose Obama and as a result your choice has dire consequences...loss of freedom, rights, income, and etc.  Bear in mind, just because Yahweh (God) allows the people's choice to rule doesn't mean He is pleased with the selection!  Yahweh allowed Saul to rule but he was not HIS selection but man's choice.

The people have rejected The Lord and chose man (Saul) [Obama] to reign over them (1 Samuel 8:7), the Saul Spirit. Before allowing their way in selecting Saul, The Lord warned the people about him and what he would do as the new king.  The Lord said, Saul will rob from the people for himself and for his council (1 Samuel 8:11-17)... the Saul Spirit.  And, soon the people would beg for relief (1 Samuel 8:18), but The Lord will not hear their cry.  And the people would continue to refuse to listen to the voice of The Lord or HIS Prophets (1 Samuel 8:19).  And although Saul was not Yahweh's (God’s) choice the people didn't care.  They wanted him as their king anyway!
Saul, in his arrogance, begin to perform duties reserved for the council [the prophet] (in America's case the Congress) and the priest [the givers and keepers of the law] (in America's case the Constitution).  CASE: Obama has violated the Congress and Constitution by his many Executive Orders so he does not have to work with Congress and he has amendments the Constitution to further his powers to do his will. 
When it was time for Saul to do Yahweh's (God’s) bidding and annihilate evil from the land and slay the ruling principalities, he did not!  When Obama had opportunity to rid the land of evil [the modern kings in the land] (abortion, same sex marriage, corruption in big business) and restore righteousness to the land, he did not!  Instead, in disobedience and arrogance, he allows evil to live just as Saul did with keeping Ahab alive and reserving the best of the spoils for himself as his reward for a fight he did not (has not) win, but will worsen over time.
When Saul made mistakes and disobeyed the Lord he didn't take responsibility for his actions, but blamed circumstanced and others.   Similarly, Obama has taken no responsibility for any wrong that has occurred during his presidency, but shifted blame!  That's a Saul Spirit!  Had the mistakes and atrocities Obama gotten away with been performed by a white president the streets would be full of black folk calling for impeachment.  And just as Saul's crimes were worthy of his dethronement, so too the crimes of Obama make him a candidate for impeachment!  Yet, both sides are either playing up the race card or too afraid the race card would be pulled. 
Saul's greatest sin was forgetting his humble beginnings and forgetting the Sovereign Lord who raised him up and put him on the throne!  Especially when you consider he was the least likely candidate for office.  Obama's greatest sin is that he's forgotten he's the chief servant of the people and not the dictator he's become to the American people. 
Saul didn't have a sure relationship with the God of Israel.   In fact, when  he was confronted with his violations, he referred to Yahweh (God) as "Samuel's God" (1 Samuel 15:39)!  A few times Obama has confessed he's a believer, but of what is uncertain.  For someone who confesses to believe, he's had Ramadan at The White House every year in office, supported Muslim causes, promoted the homosexual agenda, turned his back on Israel, and persecuted the Body of Christ (church)!  Doesn't sound like a believer in Yahshua to me?  But more like an antichrist spirit.  The Saul Spirit!

Regularily, many have partied with Obama, but soon they will be regretting the decision to make him president.  Once Obama's police state (he's creating) begins, many will become enemies of the state and hailed as criminals.  Obama's police state is the reason he's disarming the American people so they are unable to resist or revolt.  Are you on the list?  The list he will use to round us up as enemies of his agenda, just as Saul did for those who supported David.
In selecting Obama as president (even again) the people will have the fruit of their choices and the consequences of their decisions!  I pray the Father have mercy, but judgement will be the result.

Someone asked: "But this time do we get a David, or is it too late?"  I wish I knew!  I've been asking Yahweh (God) for time (grace).  I believe we had the opportunity for grace (time) with Mitt Romney as a means for the people of Yahweh to get it right, but we missed it, so Father Yahweh only knows what 2016 has for us and until then we have to conted with the Saul Spirit!
I will post more as Father Yahweh reveals more to me and the prophets concerning the Saul Spirit, but I have faith that Father will give us grace (time to repent) and wisdom (ability to apply His knowledge) on how to live in the days ahead!
Be Encouraged,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's New Year's Eve, so What's with Watch Night Service?

I've never understood why church folk put so many stakes in a watch night service.  Aren't we supposed to watch and pray regularly and Not just once a year!  If you're going to have a service called watch night, then make it about the praying and watching as Yashua commanded, otherwise, All you're doing is having another old church service full of 'pagan' tradition, with no power!  I’ll watch you miss heaven with your heathen selves, if you keep that up!  Instead of a watch night service you need to host an old school through-back party and give people some of their money back you stole, All year long!  Pay some bills, pay off some debts, have some healing and deliverance, or put some groceries on the table!  Then watch and see what Father Yahweh does!

Leader's instead of asking people to come watch with you, when was the last time you watched that single mom's son?  When was the last time you went to watch that young boys or girls game in your ministry that don't have a dad?  When was the last time you sat and watched a movie with your own family?  Nah, that because you're too busy with church business you're not watching your own business!  Watch night! Who are you watching out for except yourself?  You have so much while others in your ministry still struggling!  Watch night!  Going to be some store brought message about how you need to clean up your life, serve God and start anew!  Been there!  Done that!  Heard that!  When are you going to tell us what the Father is saying for the earth?  Like watch out for them leaders who keep getting theirs while you keep missing yours.

Someone asked me, what do you mean, watch night?  That's what I'm saying!  When people no longer recognize what you're doing, you're doing nothing!

Why don't churches just call watch night what it really is...a year end party!  You celebrate like the world, so you're imitating the system of the world!  You're not demonstrating the Kingdom!  The system of the world only produces the world’s results! Watch night is not founded in Kingdom principle, but religious ritual!  When was the last recorded miracle in a watch night service?  Who got truly healed?  Were demons cast out?  We're people set free from bondage?  The Kingdom manifests results that reflect its King! Who’s getting glory in a watch night service?  People come in and go out the same!

If you're a Prophet, I dare you to stand up in a watch night service and begin prophesying and change the flow of the message!  They will put you out!  Forcibly!  Christ said men would put you out of their houses for telling The Truth!  Watch what I say!  Are you scared to be put out so you have shut up?  If you're a prophet or called to prophetic ministry, then People in position don't have the power to silence you!  Watch what I say, Christ holds you accountable.  Watch what I tell you, to many prophets have closed their mouths because they don't understand the office, function or ministry of the Prophet!  Prophets are the watchmen to keep the evil out of God's house and warn when heading to error, so why is there so much evil and error in these so-called houses of God?   How can there be watch night without watchmen?  Watchmen were the ones responsible for watching during the night watches!  To see, warn and sound the alarm!  When are the Prophets going to warn the CHURCH (Body of Christ) that you're in ERROR!!!

If we're going to have a watch night, then it should be every night because the enemy don't sleep so nor does the prophets!  Watch night should be full of prophets prophesying, prophetic ministry proceeding, and proclamations being decreed!  That's Kingdom!

Watch night should be spent bombarding the kingdom of darkness with the prevailing prayers of the saints as the prophets proclaim!  That's Kingdom! 
Watch night should be about proclaiming the Kingdom of our Lord has come and signs of liberation seen in the lives of the people. That's Kingdom!

When was the last time during a watch night service you've heard the prophets prophesy by course? That's Kingdom!   Do you even know what it's like to have the prophets prophesy by course?  Or is watch night spent listening to the pastor ramble?  Can the prophets even be released in YOUR CHURCH to prophesy by course during a watch night service?  Or are they on lock down?  If you're a prophet or flowing in prophetic ministry from the wellspring of LIFE and LIVING WATER, then a typical watch night service ought to grieve you!  It ought to make you travail!

If I visited your church on watch night, called out your prophets, lined them up by order and told them to prophesy what they hear, see, and know...How would you react?  Would you allow it?  Would it frighten you?  Or could the will of The Lord be done this watch night?  That's Kingdom!
So have fun this watch night, because I'm coming to a city near you lying prophets because my company of prophets are prepared and can prophesy by course!

Adding, Twerps (Tweeters) I know I had signed off, but I'm getting Direct Messages and text from some innocent saints who want to know what watch night is All about.  Here goes:

In 1862, watch night was a tradition where many black churches in the South held services awaiting word whether President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was ratified.  Yet, over the years, watch night has become a tradition many churches use to say they are praying and watching for Jesus return!  When in fact many religious services no longer have prayer and it they do, it only a few minutes before midnight.  However, depending on the denomination or church doctrine, watch night can be anything from a celebration to a full church service!  Yet, watch night is No more impactful than the 1st night it was held because many do not know why they gather or for what purpose they gather other than a year-end service!  Traditionally, in Lutheran and Methodist churches, watch night is a celebration of ending the old year and bringing in the New Year in worship. 
Now, the bad news... Prior to the watch night of 1862, slave masters would steal slaves away and sell them off and families would wake to find their loved ones had been sold off to another plantation owner.  So this was not a happy time nor one of rejoicing.

In its inception, watch night had nothing to do with waiting and praying to The Lord, until Richard Allen, Founder of the AME Church re-instituted it as a religious celebration among black domination's!

So, that's watch night in a nutshell! I hope some of you were enlightened and empowered through increased knowledge! So go apply it! Good night.
God Bless!  Shalom!

Apostle B

Understanding my Mentor Failing Me?

There are many people today who are not doing what they were created to do by Father Yahweh (God).  Therefore, the world is in choas, the people of the earth are suffering, the #Kingdon of God is not manifesting, and the greatest travesty is that the people of Yahweh, who were sent to the earth as His ambassadors, are in disobedience to His will.  However, the Father has assigned the Body of Christ and the people of God asension gift ministers (mentors) according to Ephesians 4:7-14 so that they could be perfected (matured) through impartation, empowerment, activation, and releasing for the work of His ministry (service) in the earth.

Yet, church and religion has taken the place of discipleship (preparing people to follow Christ in fulfilling their #assignment), so there is very little true mentorship taking place within the Body of Christ.  As a result there are too many people sitting in church when they should be working for the #kingdom.  As an Ambassador of the #Kingdom I want to speak to mentors (teacher) and mentees (student) alike and encourage them both to begin moving in obedience toward one another in fulfillment of their God-given #assignments.  Further, I want to encourage every mentor to begin developing those Father has called you to with the passion and commitment their purpose requires, and to every mentee I admonish you to position yourself so that your mentor finds you faithful.

Leaders mentor people based on their #assignment not their gifting.  For gifting development is the job of the Holy Spirit.  Character development and accountability is the #assignment of a mentor.  Mentors are not to be the Holy Spirit for you.  You know when you have the right mentor because they remind you of where you're going (#assignment) not where you've been!  Base your #assignment to people on their assignment to God, then to you. Otherwise, you might miss why you were assigned to one another.  We are #assigned to people based on where they're going in God and therefore what's needed is wisdom on how to best mentor them.
Your #assignment was given to you by God and not man! Yet, your man of God (mentor) keeps you headed toward what God has given you to do.  Too many people don't know their #assignment so they are following the wrong people and are in the wrong places!  When you know your #assignment you won't stay in places where you're tolerated, but seek to get to the place where you're activated!  Once you know you're #assignment you'll let nothing and noone keep you from moving forward.  Your #assignment becomes your focus & your focus become your passion.
What you're passionate about you pursue! Your #assignment becomes your pursuit when your passion is no longer drained pursuing the need in your life!  You're #assignment only differs from your passion when they're not aligned! When your #assignment and your passion are aligned you begin to do what you were created to do.  When you're doing what you were created to do (#assignment) your provision manifests. Until then you have wants not needs!  Pursuing wants takes you away from pursuing your #assignment. A want is the result of unfulfilled purpose.
Christ promised to meet our needs as we pursued the #kingdom. Therefore, your #assignment requires your needs be met, not your wants.  When a need manifests in your life it is intended to activate faith in your walk as you pursue your #assignment.  When you're pursuing your #assignment and a need manifests it's intended to demonstrate the providence of God so He may be glorified.
In amazement to His disciples Christ's provision manifested as He moved in His #assignment: the coin in the mouth of the fish (Matthew 17:27), the colt (Matthew 21:1-3), and the upper room for the Passover (Mark 14:14-16), to name a few.  So you don't have an unmet need as you move in your #assignment, you need #EmployedFaith to see the need as already done!  Provision without an #assignment leads to wasteful spending because you don't understand the true purpose or value of money!  An #assignment without provision keeps you pursuing purpose because #EmployedFaith tells you what you need will be there when you have need of it.  Therefore you don't wait until you have the provision before you obey! You obey because you have #EmployedFaith in the God of your #assignment!

Obedience during your #assignment makes the difference between you accomplishing or failing to fulfill your purpose.  Too many people are waiting to get it all together before moving out on their #assignment.  Waiting only delays your healing and is disobedience.  Disobedience causes delays and delays cause people to miss their seasons.  These missed seasons are reminders that someone missed an #assignment.  When you miss your #assignment someone doesn't get the breakthrough intended to come through you.

So if you've been waiting to move out realize You will be healed, delivered, and set free as you move in obedience toward your #assignment.  Yashua told his disciples to come and follow him in his #assignment and as they did they received what was needed in the process of going!  Today be encouraged to begin moving toward your #assignment so that the #GodProcess may take place in your life.
Be blessed! Shalom!

Apostle B