Tuesday, October 28, 2014

2014-10-28 Prophetic Word by Apostle B

Today The Lord says, "Arise, shine for thy light has come and my glory has risen upon thee! Today I give you victory over the enemy and no weapon he creates shall prosper against thee! Do not fear the terror by day nor the arrow that flies by night, I have given my angles charge over thee and they shall keep you in safety! No Ebola, no financial crises, no elected official, no system of this world will harm thee, for the blood of my Son, Yeshua covers thee and He has already given you the victory! So today my children walk in the light and be the light in this dark world for I will use you to bring salvation to this generation and you will see the glory of The Lord bring victory! I say victory, victory, victory! Declare it now! You have the victory, so walk it, talk it, and live like it!"

"Too many of you have become distracted by the things of this world; what you will eat, drink, wear, live or have, I came to give you life and life abundantly and I know what things you have need of so do not worry about those things! I will take care of you and provide for you, says The Lord! Put my kingdom first in all things and focus on things eternal, and not temporal. Many souls are being weighed in the balance by the enemy but I've given you the power through The Holy Spirit to reach the lost and set them free! It is time to cast out devils, speak in new tongues, drink new wine, and walk in the Spirit. Today, if you would be obedient to go and reach my lost sheep you will see how ripe the harvest really is. 

Get out of yourself and move into me! Let my Spirit arise in thee to move every hard place and see the victory before thee. Nothing is too hard for me! I AM the same yesterday, today and forever and my power is here to shake even the very gates of hell! They will not prevail! Use my power to bring victory, healing, and deliverance to those around you, but my power must begin to be alive in you! You need a new dose of The Holy Ghost! Drink from the fountain again! Fill up again! There is plenty new wine for the thirsty. Pour put the old wine of religion and tradition, yes you have become stake in religion, ritual, and ridicule! Purge out the leaven, yes you have become filled with pride, envy and jealousy! You can do nothing without me. It is MY Spirit! MY Power! MY Anointing! My Work! Whatever I do through you it is ME and not you! Take my yoke upon you and began again to learn of me or I will humble thee."

"You have forgotten who I AM and what I AM able to do! I have all power and nothing can stand before me! Pray and ask me and I will show you great and might things. Some things I will move and others will remain until I come, but moving in and obeying me will let your heart be at peace to accept what I AM doing in this hour. Let not your heart be troubled, I see and know all things and what seems like death and destruction moving against you will flee before ME! Believe and do not doubt. Remove all doubt, fear, worry and anxiety from your heart and completely trust in Me and I WILL lead you to victory!" Amen!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Advancing The Kingdom: the antiChrist System

On July 19, 2014 @TiaDeShay tweeted profound nuggets of truth during my teaching "Advancing The Kingdom Part 2: the anti-Christ System" from 1 John 2:18-19.

The spirit of the anti Christ has already come. The spirit of the anti Christ system already exist. The spirit of the anti-Christ is at work in the Church. Many have denied the Truth, Power, and Spirit of Christ!

The spirit is also evident in the church as Sunday is the most separated day of the week for those who call themselves of the Body of Christ.

Deception is so great among believers because much of the so-called church is practicing religion and not relationship!

The spirit/work of the anti Christ is active when a believer's love for the things of the world is greater than his love for God.
They have been deceived by the anti Christ spirit.

Leaders who were never with us but came among us to deceive us are doing the work of the anti-Christ!

The spirit of the anti Christ causes division in the Body of Christ. 1 John 2:18-19 shows that the spirit of the anti Christ came from within the body of Christ. It came among us not to stay, but to deceive us. The birth of the spirit of the anti Christ is internal not external.

If you're following a leader, a part of a ministry or in a church who says Christ is NOT the only way, he's a liar and you're deceived!

We must have the indwelling, infilling, and empowering of the Holy Spirit to recognize the deception of the anti Christ.

The spirit of the anti Christ is strong because it is a spirit of deception. 

You can be deceived into thinking you are doing the will of God, but deny His power!

Right (truth) relationship with Christ,  walking in right (truth), and standing (truth) with Christ safeguards us against the deception of the anti Christ!

Don't lose your identity and fall for the deception of the anti Christ and start believing you are self made.

God will only reward us for what we have done in and for His name and for the advancing of His Kingdom.

Looks like my students learned a great deal today! :-) PTL

Is your relationship with God mechanical, obligatory or one of pleasure and privilege that demonstrates your anchored and walking in truth?

Prophetess @TheMonaLisaSmil said "@TiaDeShay you blew it up with the profound nuggets from Apostle's teaching today!  Wake up church!"


Monday, July 21, 2014

ShatterTheSilence On Relationships with @NicoleMSherrod

On Monday, July 14, 2014 @DrBAIngram was a guest on #ShatterTheSilence On Relationships w/@NicoleMSherrod along with @DavidABurrus and @jajcounseling. Each speaker give their insight concerning the topic and I decided to blog about a few nuggets of truth I shared during the call. Below is the twitter dialogue between Nicole and me. I pray the thoughts bless you as much as they did us all.

The two questions we were asked to address were:

  1. After hearing segment 1, what's your initial reaction to the relationship concerns that were raised?
  2. What would you add, to build upon segment 1 from your personal experience and professional experience as a Pastor, Licensed Councilor, and/or Certified Life Coach?

@NicoleMSherrod: "Too many people in Relationships, ONLY have a sexual Relationship!" 

The bed (sex) has become the basis of many relationships so when people get up on their two feet they can't walk together in agreement. They've spent too much time in an unbalanced position and agree on very little outside the bedroom.

@NicoleMSherrod: "People are going from relationship to relationship and not learning from their mistakes so they're connecting with the wrong people in marriage..." 

People bring a broken part of every relationship with them into the next trying to make it work where it doesn't belong! We're not to bring baggage into a relationship if we're going to add life.

@NicoleMSherrod: "Sex has become the FOCUS of many relationships...You can't use sex to get to know people!"

Sex opens the door to the spiritual realm and when it's not ordained in a holy union it allows in the spirit of perversion. People are using sex to replace love, affection, and communication. What's supposed to be a pleasurable experience to heightened the relationship often becomes the only living part of a relationship that for most purposes in dead in many other areas. 

@NicoleMSherrod: "People are repeating the same RELATIONSHIP mistakes Because they haven't learned from past RELATIONSHIP mistakes!" 

We are not designed to go from person to person leaving a trail of broken hearts. Broken hearts and damaged lives leave a trail of destruction and creates unnecessary work when the right person comes along. Someone always has to deal with the wreckage!

@NicoleMSherrod: "People are repeating the same mistakes because they haven't healed from past disappointments and pain" 

Pain becomes an anchor that weighs down the spirit and depresses the human condition allowing people to disguise their true identity by mask the pain. Yet, it's only for a season and will always manifest.

@NicoleMSherrod: "Men can only give completely, unconditionally, and unselfishly to a woman if He is Healed and Whole!"

A man cannot give what he doesn't have, hasn't received or recovered from. He can only fruitfully nourish a woman from a healed place.

@NicoleMSherrod: "A man without a Relationship w/God is just a man trying to find himself!"

A man finds his place and purpose when he walks with His Creator. He can then help a woman settle in her role, which is by his side. And together they become the fulfillment and representation of Gods unconditional love for his people (church).

@NicoleMSherrod: "Many young people don't want to submit to wise Counsel as it relates to relationships!"

Unfortunately, young people today think they already knew everything and would rather learn what they don't know through experience, rather then hear and adhere sound wisdom. My experience is that it only takes one bad experience to kill you!

@NicoleMSherrod: ...YES, one can either learn relationally via the wisdom and experience of others or experientially, which can be detrimental!

@NicoleMSherrod: "Many young people don't listen to their Parents and Elders when warned about a Relationship that's not the right one"

We ALL have had to live through bad choices when we didn't listen to the wisdom of those who have gone before us. They had the experience and learned the lessons so we could gain the benefit of their wisdom. They already know what we're trying to figure out.

@NicoleMSherrod: "It's imperative for men to deal with their issues and brokenness before stepping into a relationship."

Hurt men, and that's all of us at some point, will continue to hurt others until we are healed. Sometimes a man will cry out for help through his pain and by his demonstration. However, there's no excuse for causing abuse. You must Get Help! 

@NicoleMSherrod: "Men canNOT "DO" or "BE" what's needed in a relationship if they are still hurting from childhood wounds and scars!"

He's still that wounded boy inside and until he's healed he'll continue to revert to the place of his pain. A woman will wind up mothering him instead of being a wife to him!

@NicoleMSherrod: "We need to adhere to Sound Wisdom and Counsel. However, Everyone is NOT gifted in Counseling!

Men need counseling, as well as women to overcome issues in life and should not be ashamed to ask for help. Asking for help is a sign of maturity. A man that can ask for and receive counsel is a man well on his way to understanding himself and embracing his healing.

@NicoleMSherrod: ... Yes! @DrBAIngram definitely Shattered the Silence and set the bar! Can't wait for segment three.

(Some quotes were edited for clarity)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Why Fight!

Why we’re in a fight and why we should fight? Wow! As I was driving down the road I had a revelation while listening to a song I heard that made me want to tweet and blog encouragement for someone that is in a Fight today! (Use the hashtag #Fight on twitter to read the thread)

The songwriter said, "The size of the fight is based on the prize to be won." Those are words from the song "Fighting for Me" by Anthony Evans, the son of Dr. Tony Evans, from his album "Home". The words of the song quickened my spirit because I had recently heard from a dear saint that I had not communicated with in a very long time. She explained: "she didn't know why she was in such a fight and why the struggle was so hard. When it was not supposed to be."

Thus, these words are to encourage her, as well as you (us), if you find yourself in a Fight Today and just can't seem to explain what and why you're going through.

First my friend, we must understand our life is worth fighting for. But this fight is for us and not against us. In this fight, Jesus is fighting our battle, but we are experiencing the blows He's taken for us. We are feeling the aftershocks of every blow Christ has taken for us in the fight for our life. The life He purchased for us that is precious enough for Him to protect. The devil will not win! Although, at times we feel otherwise.

Second, we must realize and know we have the victory! It does not matter how difficult the fight, we will experience what Jesus did in order to see what He has gone through to keep us for Himself. If Christ can be touched by what we feel (our affirmatives), we are also connected to what He experienced (Hebrews 4:15; Philippians 3:10). 

Lastly, you must continually remember we are one with Christ, we are in him and He is in us (John 15:4), we are heirs and joint-heirs together (Romans 8:16-17); therefore, do not be surprised when we (you) suffer, struggle or face trials and temptations just as He (James 1-3).

Saints of God, how can we testify that God will bring us through and out 
something, if we've never experienced what it's like to be in a fight and win! It is time our faith sustained our testimony. If it does not work for us, how can we tell and convince others it will work for them?

It is time to STOP murmuring and complaining (spectating) about how difficult it is and be grateful and thankful (cheer on) the ONE who's fighting for us (you)! Our praise strengthens and reaffirms what HE has overcome and secured on our behalf. 

God sent Christ to fight and defeat your bully...the devil! Right now, you may be feeling the bullies' blows during the fight (his huffing, puffing and threats) because your mind is focused on the wrong thing...the process and not the outcome! Think of the size of the prize in comparison to the fight you're in! For, at this very moment the fight may be a big, rough and tough battle, but the outcome is a glorious, one-of-a-kind prize!

When you praise, instead of spectate, the  fight will be over in a matter of moments! During praise we move from the victims table to the victors circle! Hallelujah! If you can believe it! It won't take The Lord long to do what He's already done for you! It is so, so act like you know it! 

Be encouraged today my friend! Decree and declare right now with me, "my fight is already won and I am cheering on my CHAMPION! I declare right now, I am victorious! I am coming out of this fight better, faster and smarter then when I went in! My CHAMPION has already won and I am receiving the prize!"

In Jesus mighty name, Amen!


Apostle B

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Prophetic Word given on 12/07/13

Prophetic Word, by Apostle B.A. Ingram
Father Yahweh told me to tell you, "Do not be afraid to enter new doors and to go in new directions. For they hold for you new possibilities and new streams of resource. I am preparing the way and providing all you need. Continue to trust me and you will see a new strategy for this new season! I have brought you this new way so you would know that it is me and no other! I'm doing it NOW, says The Lord!" 

Let them that hath an ear to hear what The Spirit is saying say, Amen! Amen! And Amen!

My friend, be blessed today as you read this and know we are praying you receive all our Heavenly Father has for you! It is time for the next phase of your life and we are preparing Yahweh's people for just that! I pray many on my timeline and follow circle will join us online soon for any of our exciting, powerful and anointed gatherings. 

You can follow us on Twitter at the below addresses for more info and ways you can get connected: @AprilMLewis, @DrBAIngram and @SEEDFaithOrg. 

The Word of The Lord is strong among us! We are "Connecting People with their Purpise." Follow us today. God bless.


Apostle B

Friday, January 24, 2014

It's the Season to #GetAndGoSupernatural!

If you've waited until 2014 to #GetAndGoSupernatural then you're already behind schedule! Now you're play catchup...I'm not waiting! We're #InFlow with the Holy Ghost! He's moving!

Just a word of warning to those playing catchup, when the prophets begin to prophecy, believe we didn't just get this... We went supernatural long before 2014 began. What we begin to say now has already begun because our Holy Ghost flow began during our processing to #GetAndGoSupernatural long before you knew who we were!

The time we spent with The Father being made for our end time purpose prepared us to #GetAndGoSupernatural so we could help you in this season. We won't hold our tongues because the Holy Spirit gave us the boldness to declare the year of release as we #GetAndGoSupernatural to break chains and strongholds of the enemy!

It's gonna take a baptism of fire and water for many people in this season to #GetAndGoSupernatural because the carnal mind and corrupt flesh will no longer do! This will not be a season of understanding with the natural mind, human intellect or emotional preaching but a time to #GetAndGoSupernatural!

Fleshly believers, carnal preachers and whore mongering saints will not have the power to #GetAndGoSupernatural because it's a work of the Spirit and not of the flesh!  If you don't #GetAndGoSupernatural you won't see, let alone walk, into the promises you've been naming and claiming! It's more than a confession! It's a profession in order to take possession! It's a walk in the #supernatural with #EmployedFaith, a #WillingHeart and an #ObedientSpirit!

Many think 2014 is gonna be their year. You better #GetAndGoSupernatural because it's the year all Hell is gonna break loose! You're going to need more than an anecdote to keep you anchored in the Rock, called Christ! Things are going to come to pull on your relationship with Christ! That's why it's time to #GetAndGoSupernatural! You're going to need the help of The Lord to make it through this next season!

Don't trust the arm of flesh because people will fail you, many will fall away, and err from the truth! So, keep your eyes on Christ. Hold on to your faith! Walk daily in the spirit! And be empowered by The Lord and the Spirit of his might!

I wanna wish all my followers the best in this 2014 season. Thank you for following and most of all stay anchored in God through Christ!

Be blessed. 



A Word on Waiting! No one likes to wait, least of All me. Not in line, at banks, restaurants, post offices, for service; stuck in rush hour traffic, or put on hold by a computer. 

"Waiting time" seems to be a waste of time." This is why "waiting" on God is often difficult for many believers. It also is why many quote the saying, which is not Biblical: "God helps those who help themselves." Besides not being scriptural, it is not wise counseling on waiting, but the statement actually speaks to a lack of Faith and Patience. 

I am not stating God does not want you and me to accomplish some things. HE does at times, in fact, more so as our faith demands than other times. When it is "waiting time" and we proceed to help ourselves, we are stating that God needs us to take charge to get the things done. Newsflash…He does not! But one thing is for sure: "We need to trust God, be willing to do His will, and in His timing and not our own." 

This may be difficult because most often, than not, it means "waiting"- something we do not like to do. Hebrews 10:36 says, "For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise" (KJVA). Alas, what we really need is patience, which requires faith (the hope, trust and confidence) to wait!

Note: "The right action, at the right time, equals the right result." That's what patience produces. "Waiting" on God seems tough. "I ain't gonna lie"; it is and I've had my share of impatience and anxiousness! But God's timing is always best for us as I have experienced, and "so well worth the wait!" 

Hence, "waiting time" should not be a waste of time – "Waiting Time"is indeed "Worth the Time!"- Therefore my friend, "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him" (Psalm 37:7). 
